Citrus Appeal has four booths at King Richard's in the downstairs area on aisles 6 and 9. Citrus Appeal offers some unique areas called Grandma's Room, The Apartment, The Clown Room, and The Mid Century Room.
Grandma's Room includes items from home sweet home including needle point art, mirrors, lighting, kitchen and bathroom items and everything you'd find at Grandma's. There are stuffed animals and blankets.
The Apartment has larger pieces of furniture including a record player console, living room couches, records, lighting, glassware, dinette sets.
The Clown Room has clowns -- all kinds. There is art and even a collection of Barbie.
The Mid Century Room features clothing and art.
What you'll find in space 1504 is the collection of Ben and Katy who have been at it for about three years. "We have a good eye, we've been told," Katy told me. They frequent estate sales and pick the choice pieces for King Richard's. "We are very reasonable with our prices but we are looking at better, collector pieces. We have great things." They are loaded with merchandise and their sign says it all -- "My wife buys too much stuff."